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Adborth Physical Empowerment

Rebekah Palmer

All of our members are different and need help or support in different ways. We care deeply about each and every one of you and it means so much to our team to know that we have helped a little, even if it is YOU that's done all the hard work!

A big thank you to Rebekah for sharing her experience. Rebekah now helps others as a volunteer for Physical Empowerment. Read her story below.

I firmly believe that Physical Empowerment has managed to rediscover the part of me that I lost to abuse. The course has re-enforced the importance of self-respect, self-worth, and self-love. Physical Empowerment teaches us about boundaries, and that saying 'no' is our motto. Many who have suffered abuse don't recognise it because they have been conditioned overtime to accept it, but this course opens your eyes to that conditioning and helps you recognise the hurt it has caused. And this is one of the strong reasons as to why I volunteer for Physical Empowerment.

We're here to help. Please reach out to us. Call 01994 419243 or 07929 125 957 or leave us a message on our contact page.

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